Appalachian Journey Series | Brown Mountain Lights Series - by CC Tillery

Brown Mountain Lights Series


Into the Brown Mountain Lights

Although time-traveler/healer Lizzie Baker wants nothing more than to return to her time 110 years in the future, she remains struck on Brown Mountain, NC during the time of the Civil War, the bloodiest conflict in American history. Very a much a woman of the 1960s who believes in equal rights for everyone, Lizzie now lives in a world dominated by men, unable to offer anything more than medical treatment for slaves mistreated by plantation owners or women suffering at the hands of abusive husbands.

No matter how much she wants to escape this primitive, barbaric time, Lizzie has no choice but to live the stifled life of a woman of the 1800s. She continues to learn herbal healing from the Collins sisters while helping her beau Josh transport runaway slaves to safety via the Underground Railroad. With the aid of her best friend Abbie, she begins a relief agency to send supplies to the army while running a medical clinic treating injured soldiers returning home.

After she helps deserters flee from the Confederacy, Lizzie falls under suspicion of the Home Guard, an agency formed to track down traitors, draft dodgers and escaped prisoners. If that isn’t bad enough, there’s always danger from bushwhackers who raid the mountain looking for food and arms.

When Josh decides to join the war effort, Lizzie and Abbie accompany him to the Battle of Gettysburg, the bloodiest conflict of the war. There, she and Abbie work as nurses in a field hospital until they find themselves retreating with the wounded and dying under General Robert E. Lee’s command.

As the Union raids move closer to Brown Mountain, Lizzie becomes frantic to find her light and return to the future. On the anniversary of her fifth year on Brown Mountain, while she, Abbie and Josh are being pursued by bushwhackers, Lizzie encounters a light she thinks is hers. But when the light takes Abbie and begins to draw Lizzie in, she realizes it’s not the right one. Will Josh be able to save Lizzie and Abbie before the raiders capture him or will their fate be linked as they go through the light to an unknown destination?

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